Alter Egos. What a fun concept. Just like billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne turning into the caped crusader, I log into Blogger and become.... wait for it... The Polyphonicpyro! Duh-duh-duh!!! Spewing occasionally brilliant little insights on life love and the pursuit of my next plate of nachoes from Moes, with the benefits of spell check and a ready Google to look up big words that make me sound real smart. In my mind, everything I write here is as witty as Mark Twain and deep as Shakespeare. Allow me to believe my disallusions if you would be so kind. But my literary prowess is not the point of this rambling narrative. The point is me wondering if I've ever fit a stereotype. Stereotype in question being the Thinking-I-am-more-talented-than-I-really-am-guy. I'm sure I've been this guy at some point. And I've also made fun of this guy, with imitations included at no extra charge. We all know someone who fits this description, you are probably thinking of that person right now. I definitely know a few. The reason I had began to pontificate is my username here. Polyphonicpyro is, in my mind at least, a clever conjugation of the Latin words poli, phonic, and pyro, which means many sounds on fire. I came up with it back in the days of Bebo and Myspace (does ANYBODY still use those sites?) when you changed your display name on occasion to suit your fancy. Back in the early 2000's you were not considered a proper Pentecostal without a Bebo page. (I wonder how Bebo got a pass from the standard police when Myspace was deemed as evil incarnate. But I digress.) Point being, Polyphonicpyro is, in retrospect, a rather arrogant username. And email. And Twitter handle. And Blogger title. So if at any point I have worn my God given talent on my sleeve and made myself out to be more than an individual blessed with a gift for music, forgive me. I don't want to be Thinking-I-am-more-talented-than-I-really-am-guy. I just want to learn and grow and challenge myself to get better all the time. Cause I believe that is what we as Christians are called to be and do. Thanks for indulging me.