This topic has been bouncing around the ole cranium for a couple of days. I bring it out now for the purpose of discussion and possibly enlightenment. Last Saturday at work, I mentioned to a friend that I had missed a great concert the night before. Decipher Down was in Mobile and I missed it due to school. He immediately asked if DD was a "real" rock band or a "Christian" rock band. My answer was a rock band consisting of Christians. The very next day, I learned of something that happened last summer I had not previously known. My band, Unveiled, was hired to play a show in Gulf Shores. The gig was outside, very public, and a blast to play. What I learned Sunday is that a guy that was at the show at the time listened to us soundcheck and then cornered one of the organizers and read him the riot act for hiring a "secular" band. Why were we at first branded as "secular"? In his mind we were "Too good to be 'local Christian band.'" So the facts that we were both talented and Christian were, in his mind, irreconcilable. WHY?? My mindset, and my bands have heard it 1000 times, is that what we offer as Christians should be the best thing available, in whatever we do. The Good Book is rather plain in saying "Whatsoever your hand finds to do, do it with your might." Talk to me, especially if you disagree with my concepts.